The Overall Look of Cement Industry in the year 2021
The cement industry faced less growth from the previous year due to several factors, namely the continual pandemic of Corona Virus 19 (COVID 19), the slowdown of the overall economic situation, the consumption rate of household, the private sector's confidence in realestate investment the increasing cost of fuel/ materials and the tourism industry which had not yet recovered. However, there were supporting factors from the implementation of the government's infrastructure mega projects and the continuity of various projects of the private sector and the government could manage and handle COVID 19 situation to be at controlling level.
Cement Industry Outlook in the Year 2022
Cement industry has the trend to grow slightly due to the following supporting factors; 
  • The government can take good control of COVID-19 situation by providing vaccine injection to cover the major part of the population.
  • The continuity of infrastructure mega projects of the government sector. (Infrastructure Mega Project)
  • The relaxing of financial policy and the measures to boost real estate sector as well as the additional policy to stimulate economy to help revitalizing economy.
Challenging factors 
  • The returning of COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The increasing inflation rate while the economy does not fully revitalized.
  • The continual increasing of the prices of energy and raw materials.
  • The labor shortage. 
The Growth of the Thai Cement Industry